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Smart Cities

CAR/Transmilenio - Bogotá, Colombia


Platform UX design

Smart Cities is a project to develop a platform to manage the operation of Transmilenio transportation and environmental procedures with the CAR company in the city of Bogota.

The project was also developed through agile methodologies where we were working in sprints and we were delivering to the UI and development team in order to have quality results in a short time, always taking into account a constant communication between the team leaders.

Software tools

Figma, Hangouts

Design skills

Card sorting, Brainstorming, Prioritization tasks, Wireframing, Prototyping, Usability test


Apr 2019 - Jun 2019


UX Lead

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Two workshops were held, each one focused on a type of user respectively who were going to use the final application, in which results could be obtained that were focused on the experience that users could have when using the application according to the role they had within the current process.

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With guidelines from the functional team and the results of the workshops with users, the main features of the platform are defined and the development of the initial navigation flow begins.

Wireframing and Prototyping


According to the definitions of each functionality, black and white wireframes were developed taking into account the structure to be proposed and finally the prototypes including their main interactions, taking into account the basic characteristics for a good usability by means of buttons, icons and interaction.

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